When I first started coding in HTML and CSS, it was like trying to breathe air in a bowl of water. Now that I have sprouted gills and gained some knowledge of how everything comes together, I can help many of you who struggle with coding as well. Here is one tag in HTML and one property in CSS that might help you all as you begin your coding careers.

1. The divtagMore Halloween Clip Art Illustrations at http://www.ClipartOf.com

If I were to explain the div tag to you, I would describe it a skeleton for your content. A div tag is what sets apart specific sections in your web page that can add different content in an around your container. The cool thing about the div tag is that you can create as many as you need, setting specific heights and widths to create your web page. As you set different contents “on” your skeleton, you create a working web page.

2. {background-image:}  003-metal-and-carbon-fiber-pattern-background-texture

This property definitely confused me for a while. For so long I had been adding pictures into my div tags as background images. I would attempt to put my text on top of those divs, only to have everything push down and ruin my web page. Enter in the power of the {background-image}! With the background image property, you can set your background image and then put text on top of it. This allows to make cool buttons with an appealing look!

Now hopefully this wasn’t all mumbo-jumbo to you. Hopefully I’ve cleared up some things you might been confused with. Have some elements or properties that are still unclear to you? Put them in comments and let me help you out!

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